912 research outputs found

    Long range triplet Josephson effect through a ferromagnetic trilayer

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    We study the Josephson current through a ferromagnetic trilayer, both in the diffusive and clean limits. For colinear (parallel or antiparallel) magnetizations in the layers, the Josephson current is small due to short range proximity effect in superconductor/ferromagnet structures. For non colinear magnetizations, we determine the conditions for the Josephson current to be dominated by another contribution originating from long range triplet proximity effect.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Long range statistical fluctuations of the crossed Josephson current

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    We investigate the crossed Josephson effect in a geometry consisting of a double ferromagnetic bridge between two superconductors, with tunnel interfaces. The crossed Josephson current vanishes on average because the Andreev reflected hole does not follow the same sequence of impurities as the incoming electron. We show that i) the root mean square of the crossed Josephson current distribution is proportional to the square root of the junction area; and ii) the coherent coupling mediated by fluctuations is ``long range'' since it decays over the ferromagnet phase coherence length lϕl_\phi, larger than the exchange length. We predict a crossed Josephson current due to fluctuations if the length of the ferromagnets is smaller than lϕl_\phi and larger than the exchange length ξh\xi_h.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, modifications in the presentatio

    Long ranged singlet proximity effect in ferromagnetic nanowires

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    Recently a long ranged superconductor/ferromagnet (S/F) proximity effect has been reported in Co crystalline nanowires [1, Nature, 6 389 (2010)]. Since the authors of [1] take care to avoid the existence of magnetic domains, the triplet character of the long ranged proximity effect is improbable. Here we demonstrate that in the one-dimensional ballistic regime the standard singlet S/F proximity effect becomes long ranged. We provide an exact solution for the decay of the superconducting correlations near critical temperature (TcT_{c}) and for arbitrary impurities concentration. In particular we find a specific regime, between the diffusive and ballistic ones, where the decay length is simply the electronic mean-free path. Finally possible experiments which could permit to elucidate the nature of the observed long ranged proximity effect in Co nanowires are discussed.Comment: 4 page

    Peculiar properties of the Josephson junction at the transition from 0 to Pi state

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    It is demonstrated that in the diffusive superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor (S/F/S) junctions the current-phase relation is practically sinusoidal everywhere except in a narrow region near the 0-Pi transition. In this region the second harmonic dominates the scenario of the 0-Pi transition. We predict a first order transition for the S/F/S junctions with a homogeneous F barrier. However, in real junctions a small modulation of the thickness of the barrier may favor the continious 0-Pi transition and the realisation of the Josephson junction with an arbitrary ground state phase difference. The performed calculations of the second harmonic amplitude provide a natural explanation of the recent contradictory results on the second harmonic measurements.Comment: Corrected version. To be published in PRB Rapid Communication

    Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of the superconducting proximity effect in a diluted ferromagnetic alloy

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    We studied the proximity effect between a superconductor (Nb) and a diluted ferromagnetic alloy (CuNi) in a bilayer geometry. We measured the local density of states on top of the ferromagnetic layer, which thickness varies on each sample, with a very low temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope. The measured spectra display a very high homogeneity. The analysis of the experimental data shows the need to take into account an additional scattering mechanism. By including in the Usadel equations the effect of the spin relaxation in the ferromagnetic alloy, we obtain a good description of the experimental data.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Triplet contribution to the Josephson current in the nonequilibrium superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor junction

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    The Josephson current through a long s-wave superconductor/weak ferromagnet/s-wave superconductor weak link is studied theoretically in the regime of nonequilibrium spin-dependent occupation of electron states in the ferromagnetic intelayer. While under the considered nonequilibrium condition the standard supercurrent, carried by the singlet part of current-carrying density of states, is not modified, the additional supercurrent flowing via the triplet part of the current-carrying density of states appears. Depending on voltage, controlling the particular form of spin-dependent nonequilibrium in the interlayer, this additional current can enhance or reduce the usual current of the singlet component and also switch the junction between 0- and π\pi-states.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Proximity effect in atomic-scaled hybrid superconductor/ferromagnet structures: crucial role of electron spectra

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    We study the influence of the configuration of the majority and minority spin subbands of electron spectra on the properties of atomic-scaled superconductor-ferromagnet S-F-S and F-S-F hybrid structures. At low temperatures, the S/F/S junction is either a 0 or junction depending on the energy shift between S and F materials and the anisotropy of the Fermi surfaces. We found that the spin switch effect in F/S/F system can be reversed if the minority spin electron spectra in F metal is of the hole-like type

    What is the value of the superconducting gap of a F/S/F trilayer ?

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    Based on the model of F/S/F trilayer with atomic thickness [A. Buzdin and M. Daumens, cond-mat/0305320] we discuss the relative roles of pair-breaking and proximity effects, as a function of the exchange field, of disorder and of a finite thickness in the superconducting layer. The exchange field can be small (weak ferromagnets) or large (strong ferromagnets) compared to the superconducting gap. With weak ferromagnets we show the existence of a reentrant superconducting gap for the F/S/F trilayer with atomic thickness in the parallel alignment (equivalent to the F/S bilayer). Qualitatively small disorder is equivalent to reducing the value of the hopping parameters. In the presence of a finite thickness in the superconducting layer the superconducting gap in the antiparallel alignment is larger than in the parallel alignment, meaning that pair breaking dominates over the proximity effect.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Resonant peak in the density of states in the normal metal / diffusive ferromagnet / superconductor junctions

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    The conditions for the formation of zero-energy peak in the density of states (DOS) in the normal metal / insulator / diffusive ferromagnet / insulator / s-wave superconductor (N/I/DF/I/S) junctions are studied by solving the Usadel equations. The DOS of the DF is calculated in various regimes for different magnitudes of the resistance, Thouless energy and the exchange field of the DF, as well as for various resistances of the insulating barriers. The conditions for the DOS peak are formulated for the cases of weak proximity effect (large resistance of the DF/S interface) and strong proximity effect (small resistance of the DF/S interface).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Nonsinusoidal current-phase relations and the 0−π0-\pi transition in diffusive ferromagnetic Josephson junctions

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    We study the effect of the interfacial transparency on the Josephson current in a diffusive ferromagnetic contact between two superconductors. In contrast to the cases of the fully transparent and the low-transparency interfaces, the current-phase relation is shown to be nonsinusoidal for a finite transparency. It is demonstrated that even for the nearly fully transparent interfaces the small corrections due to weak interfacial disorders contribute a small second-harmonic component in the current-phase relation. For a certain thicknesses of the ferromagnetic contact and the exchange field this can lead to a tiny minimum supercurrent at the crossover between 0 and π\pi states of the junction. Our theory has a satisfactory agreement with the recent experiments in which a finite supercurrent was observed at the transition temperature. We further explain the possibility for observation of a large residual supercurrent if the interfaces have an intermediate transparency.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
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